運動は健康全般にとって重要な要素ですが、それは生徒にとって何を意味するのでしょうか。まず、運動は記憶力と集中力の向上に役立ちます。しかし、心拍数を上げることには他の利点もあります。運動は生徒がストレス レベルをコントロールし、学校での負担を軽減するのにも役立ちます。教師も運動の模範となることができ、生徒がトレッドミルやジムで一緒に運動するように奨励する必要があります。運動は脳の発達に重要です。
Exercise stimulates the brain, increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, and may increase nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF is a protein that helps neurons grow and develop. It has also been linked to improved memory formation in mice. Exercise improves cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain; this helps remove toxins from cells and deliver nutrients like glucose for energy production. In addition to helping with concentration, exercise can improve your mood by releasing endorphins–the “feel good” hormones–in your body. Studies have shown that regular aerobic activity can help improve memory performance in people of all ages運動をすると記憶力と集中力が向上します。
Physical activity can improve memory and focus. For example, a study published in the Journal of Sleep Research showed that those who exercised for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week had better sleep quality than those who did not exercise. Another study found that students who walked to school scored higher on tests than students who took public transportation or drove cars. The researchers also noted that children with higher levels of physical fitness were more likely to be successful academically than their less-fit peers.[1] How can you use physical activity as part of your daily routine? There are many ways:運動に関しては教師が模範となります。
Teachers should be role models when it comes to exercise. This means that you should exercise in front of your students, encourage them to get active, and show them how fun it can be. You might think that this is just a good way to set an example for your pupils, but studies have shown that being physically active improves performance in the classroom and increases attention span by up to 30%.身体活動は学生がストレスレベルをコントロールするのに役立ちます。
- 運動はストレスを解消するのに最適な方法です。運動は集中力と前向きな気持ちを維持するのに役立ちます。これらは学習に重要です。
- 運動をすると夜の睡眠の質が向上し、翌日の脳の情報処理が容易になります。
- 運動をすると、血流中にエンドルフィン(気分を良くする物質)が放出され、不安やうつのレベルが軽減され、全体的に幸せな気分になります。