


Exams are a major part of the college experience, but many students find them stressful and challenging. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your exam preparation skills so that you can ace any test! Here are seven ways to prepare for a test and increase your chances of success:

Take the time to prepare.

  • Don’t wait until the last minute. The closer you get to an exam, the harder it is to concentrate and focus on what you’re studying. Try to start preparing at least a week before your test date so that you can take advantage of this time as effectively as possible.
  • Don’t cram. Cramming only works if all of the material that needs to be learned fits into one night or day of studying–and even then, it might not work! Instead of cramming and hoping for the best, try breaking up your preparation process over several days or weeks so that each session feels less overwhelming than attempting all-nighters would be (which also increases stress levels). For example: If there are three chapters worth of information related specifically towards understanding how memory works within our brains–and these chapters are spread across five different textbooks–then try breaking up those five textbooks into five separate study sessions where each session focuses solely on one chapter before moving onto another one later down the line when time allows again.*

Don’t cram before an exam.

One of the most common mistakes students make is trying to cram all the information into their brains before an exam. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which can make it harder for you to remember what you learned. If you’re going through this process, stop! There’s no need for it–you’re better off spreading out your studying over time so that each section gets its own dedicated chunk of time and attention. You’ll have more energy and focus when preparing this way, plus there will be less pressure on each individual section because they aren’t being crammed into one week or even one day before an exam (which could result in forgetting half of what was crammed).

Be sure to have a good night’s sleep.

The importance of sleep Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to effective exam preparation. When you are well-rested, your brain is more alert and able to focus on the task at hand. If you don’t get enough sleep, however, it can be difficult for your memory to function properly during an exam–you will find yourself more easily distracted and unable to recall key facts from earlier sections when they come up again later in the test. Your body needs time off from thinking about schoolwork every day so that it can process everything that has happened recently without interruption (this is why breaks between classes are important too!).

Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy breakfast.

Drinking water before an exam is important. Water helps you stay hydrated and sharp, which can help with your memory and concentration. It also helps with digestion, metabolism, and feeling full. If you’re not drinking enough water throughout the day then it may be difficult to focus during a test because of hunger pangs or headaches caused by dehydration (or both!). To avoid this situation: drink at least one glass of water every hour while studying; have some fruit juice if that’s what works best for you; eat breakfast even if it’s just toast with peanut butter or an egg sandwich on whole wheat bread; keep healthy snacks like nuts around so they’re available when hunger strikes during study sessions; try not to use caffeine as a substitute for food since caffeine stimulates the central nervous system but does not provide energy like real nourishment does

Eliminate unnecessary distractions and focus on the task at hand.

As you prepare for your exam, it’s important to eliminate unnecessary distractions and focus on the task at hand. Turn off your phone and avoid letting other people distract you by asking questions or engaging in conversation. If possible, try not to watch TV or listen to music while studying (unless they are part of the material). And most importantly, don’t let your mind wander off topic–the more distracted a person becomes during an exam, the less likely they will be able to recall any information later on.

Plan out your study schedule for the week or month before the exam, so you don’t feel behind or overwhelmed.

  • Plan out your study schedule for the week or month before the exam, so you don’t feel behind or overwhelmed.
  • Don’t cram before an exam.
  • Don’t use alcohol to help you study. It’s more likely to make it harder for your brain to retain information than it is to help with learning new things, and there are many other healthier, safer ways of boosting your energy levels during exams!
  • Don’t use drugs (including caffeine) in order to boost brainpower–they may have negative effects on memory retention and focus in the long run!

Preparing for an exam involves more than just studying; it involves managing stress and creating healthy habits, too

  • Make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for memory, so make sure to get at least eight hours of rest each night.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast. A nutritious breakfast will help keep your energy levels high throughout the day and improve concentration, which will make it easier for you to study or do homework without getting distracted by hunger pangs.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day–and avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee or tea! Caffeine can cause dehydration and disrupts sleep patterns, so it’s best not to consume any while studying unless your instructor says otherwise (and even then, think twice).
  • Avoid distractions like social media and TV when preparing for an exam: Your focus should be entirely on preparing yourself mentally for success rather than wasting time scrolling through posts on Instagram or watching Netflix when there are more important things at stake here!


Exams are stressful, but they don’t have to be. If you take the time to prepare beforehand and manage stress during the exam period, you’ll be more likely to succeed on test day. The key is finding an effective study method that works for you–and sticking with it!


