


If you’re like most students, you’ve probably had a fair amount of experience failing exams. But did you know that negative self-talk can make those failures even worse? Negative thoughts can cause stress and anxiety, which makes it more difficult to concentrate on the task at hand. By using positive self-talk instead of negative thoughts during an exam, however, you can improve your performance by helping yourself stay calm and focused throughout the test.

Positive self-talk is a powerful way to improve your exam performance.

Positive self-talk is a powerful way to improve your exam performance. Positive self-talk helps you be successful in exams, life, relationships and careers. Positive self-talk involves talking to yourself in a positive way. It can be something like “I’m going to do this” or “I am confident that I will succeed on this paper” or even just saying “yes”. You can also use positive affirmations such as “I am smart” or “I am capable of passing this exam”.

The first step to using positive self-talk is to identify what you are saying to yourself.

The first step to using positive self-talk is to identify what you are saying to yourself. This is easier said than done, but it’s a skill that can be learned with practice and patience. The first step in this process is to write down all of the negative thoughts that come up when you think about an upcoming exam or project at work. Try not to censor yourself; write down everything that comes up no matter how silly or ridiculous it may seem! Once you have gathered all of your negative thoughts on paper, take a look at them and see if there are any patterns or themes present in them (e.g., “I’ll never get through this,” “I’m going to fail miserably”). Then ask yourself: What would I say if someone else was having these same feelings? How would I comfort myself if someone else had these same doubts about themselves? The answer will likely be something along the lines of “Well, maybe things won’t go perfectly but even if they don’t turn out exactly as planned there will always be another chance…and besides everyone makes mistakes sometimes so don’t worry too much about messing up.”

Then, you can start using positive self-talk by talking back to those negative thoughts.

The first step is to identify your negative thoughts. When you start to feel nervous or stressed, ask yourself: “What am I telling myself?” If you can’t find a single consistent answer, then try asking yourself another question: “What would someone who loves me say?” You might find that this makes it easier for you to see things more clearly–and helps calm down those nerves! Once we’ve identified our negative self-talk patterns, we can start using positive self-talk by talking back to those negative thoughts. For example: “I’m going to do my best on this exam.” Or even better yet: “I know what I know!” And finally: “I’m going out there ready for success!”

Positive self-talk is not always easy, but it can be done.

Positive self-talk is a skill that can be learned, and it takes practice to get good at it. If you have a friend or family member who can help you, this would be an ideal situation. They can help evaluate your progress and provide encouragement when needed. You might also try role playing: have them pretend to be the professor of your exam and ask questions about the material in front of them as if they were actually taking the test themselves (you can even ask them what kind of questions they think might be on the exam). Then turn around and become yourself again; answer those same questions but use positive self-talk instead of negative self-talk!

After identifying the negative thoughts, change them into positive ones.

Once you’ve identified the negative thoughts, change them into positive ones. For example: “I’m not good enough” becomes “I am capable and smart.” Do this as soon as possible during the exam–and then keep it up throughout the rest of your test-taking experience!

It’s important to replace negative thoughts with positive ones as soon as possible during the exam.

It’s important to replace negative thoughts with positive ones as soon as possible during the exam. If you wait until the end of an exam to start using positive self-talk, it may be too late. It is better to use positive self-talk right from the beginning of your exam so that you can get into a good mental state, which will help keep your stress levels down throughout your test.

Don’t wait until the end of an exam to start using positive self-talk, since then it will be too late and may cause a downward spiral into failure.

Positive self-talk is a way to improve your exam performance. When you’re preparing for an exam, it’s important to start using positive self-talk as soon as possible. If you wait until the end of an exam and then try using positive self-talk, it may be too late and you will fail.

Use positive self-talk in everyday life, too. You can use it whenever you feel anxious or upset about something happening at school or work, for example.

You can use positive self-talk in everyday life too. For example, if you’re feeling anxious or upset about something happening at school or work, try saying something like:
  • “I am calm and focused.”
  • “I can handle this situation.”
  • “This setback is not a big deal; I will get through it.”

By practicing positive self-talk throughout your life, you will have more success keeping yourself calm and focused even when things go wrong on exams

Positive self-talk is a way to keep calm and focused during an exam. If you practice positive self-talk throughout your life, it will be easier for you to do this when things go wrong on exams.
  • Positive Self-Talk in General
  • How to Use Positive Self-Talk During Exams


Positive self-talk is a powerful way to improve your exam performance. By practicing positive self-talk throughout your life, you will have more success keeping yourself calm and focused even when things go wrong on exams. The first step to using positive self-talk is to identify what you are saying to yourself. Then, you can start using positive self-talk by talking back to those negative thoughts. It’s important to replace negative thoughts with positive ones as soon as possible during the exam so that they don’t spiral into failure!


