スコアを最大化: SSAT の戦略

スコアを最大化: SSAT の戦略


SSAT は、学校が生徒を適切なクラスに配置するのに役立つ標準テストです。また、大学入学の重要な部分となっています。だからこそ、テストでベストを尽くし、良いスコアを取ることがとても重要なのです。ここでは、SSAT で可能な限り最高のスコアを取るためのヒントをいくつか紹介します。


The SSAT is a 3-hour test with three sections: reading comprehension, math and verbal reasoning. You’ll have 55 minutes to complete each section, so you’ll want to pace yourself accordingly. The reading section is comprised of short passages followed by questions about them. Some questions will ask you to find the main idea or identify specific details; others ask whether an argument makes sense based on evidence provided in the passage (or vice versa). You’ll get 10 minutes per passage, which means that there are five total passages on this section! In math mode, there are no tricks–just straightforward problems such as “What’s 7 minus 2?” or “If I had $3 left over after buying four books for $12 each…how much did each book cost?” The key here is mastering basic arithmetic so that you can solve these types of questions quickly and accurately without having to think too hard about it! In verbal reasoning mode, we’ve got another question type called Cloze Sentences where we’ll see gaps within sentences–and then fill those gaps in with appropriate words from our vocabulary bank before moving forward through multiple choice answers (or simply reading through them all until we find one that works).


Before you schedule your test date, make sure you’re well-rested. You need to be alert and energetic for the test, so don’t wait until the last minute to think about how much sleep you’ll get before taking it. The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person based on age:
  • 通常、年少の生徒は年長の生徒よりも多くの時間を必要とします (7 時間対 6 時間)。
  • 9代の若者は、年少の子供よりも多くの休息を必要とする傾向があります(5時間対6~XNUMX時間)。
  • 高校に入学する生徒は、少なくとも 8 日のうち XNUMX 日は XNUMX 晩に XNUMX 時間の睡眠を目指す必要があります。XNUMX 代後半の生徒は、毎晩ベッドで過ごす時間がさらに長くなる可能性があります。


  • 健康的な朝食を食べましょう。テスト中に空腹になりたくないので、出かける前に何か食べておきましょう。良い選択肢は、フルーツ入りのオートミールです。炭水化物と食物繊維が摂取でき、元気に過ごせます。
  • たくさんの水を飲んでください。脳が効率的に働くにはたくさんの酸素が必要です。水分を補給することで血液中の酸素が十分に満たされ、テスト中に脳に必要な酸素が十分に供給されるようになります。
  • 砂糖とカフェインを避ける: 砂糖とカフェインの急上昇は、神経過敏やエネルギーの低下を引き起こす可能性があり、定期的に摂取する学生 (または摂取しない学生) は試験に集中することが困難になります。同様に、カフェインを摂りすぎると、重要な試験中に眠ってしまうのではないかという不安につながる可能性があり、この不安は実際に眠ってしまう可能性を高めます。


模擬試験は、 SSATの準備をする. In fact, they’re the only way to know what you need to work on and where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Practice tests are available online and can be taken at any time–even if it’s not exam day yet! The online practice tests are helpful because they allow you to break down the test into manageable sections, so even if there are questions that give you trouble, there will still be enough time left over for those other topics that come easily for you. The best way to use these practice materials is by taking them under timed conditions (similarly as though it were an actual test). This will help familiarize yourself with how quickly or slowly each section takes; this is especially important because some sections have more questions than others do! You should also try taking at least two full-length mock exams before making any final decisions about which schools might suit your needs best — this way there won’t be any surprises come testing day!


The SSAT is a challenging test, and it can be difficult to know where to start. But don’t worry! There are many ways you can prepare for the exam. One of the most effective is using a study guide. Study guides are books that contain practice questions and answers for each section of the SSAT (introduction, reading comprehension, math problems, vocabulary). They also typically include helpful explanations for each question type so that you can learn from your mistakes as well as succeed on future tests by knowing what kinds of questions are coming up next time around.


SSAT を受験するときは、始める前に指示をよく理解してください。指示を注意深く読み、自分に何が求められているのかを必ず理解してください。馬鹿げた、または当たり前のことのように思えても、指示に正確に従ってください。わからないことがあれば、助けを求めてください。


The SSAT is not a test of your intelligence, it’s a test of how well you can perform under pressure. So don’t get too nervous! If you’re taking an exam in school, then chances are the stakes aren’t quite as high as they are on standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. Just remember that these exams aren’t designed to be taken seriously–they’re meant for kids and parents alike to have fun with them! You should also try not to overanalyze every question before answering it; just go with your gut instinct and move on. The more time spent thinking about each question will only increase stress levels and decrease performance on future questions (which will lead back into more stress). It may seem counterintuitive, but trust me: just do what feels right!




スコアを最大化: SSAT の戦略
