エッセイの書き方: エッセイの書き方に関するヒントとコツ


You’ve got the outline, the structure of your essay is coming together in paragraphs. But it still doesn’t feel quite right. If you’re stuck on how to write a great essay, we’ll give you some tips and suggestions that will help get you writing amazing essays.


You should remember that the writing process is a cycle of steps. It consists of brainstorming, research, writing, editing and proofreading. You can repeat these steps as many times as you want and get help from different people in each step.

How to write an essay – how to start an essay, how to write an outline, how to proofread an essay

  • Start with a rough draft.
  • Outline the essay. You can use this outline to check the flow of your ideas and make sure you are addressing all of the points you want to cover in your essay.
  • Proofread the first draft for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors before moving on to the next step: revising. Take time for each revision stage and don’t rush through them; every word counts!
  • Make sure your essay flows smoothly as it progresses from idea to idea using transitions (see below).

The Types of Essays and Essay Writing Structure

There are different types of essays, and most professors will give you a choice of which one to write. The five main types are:
  • Narrative or Descriptive Essay (examples below)
  • Expository Essay (examples below)
  • Persuasive Essay (examples below)
  • Analytical Essay (examples below)
  • Argumentative/Persuasive Essay Structure (aka, How to Write an A+ Argumentative or Persuasive Essay, example here.)

Help, Additional Resources and Final Points

Here are some helpful links for expanding your knowledge on the subject of writing an essay:
  • See an example of a structure essay.
  • Read about how to identify thesis statements.
  • Learn about identifying and supporting examples in your sentences, clauses and phrases.
  • Check out other useful resources for writing better essays!

A long, engaging article on how to write the perfect essay.

Writing the perfect essay is not easy, but it’s definitely worth it. The essay can be a powerful tool for you, both in college and beyond. It will help you stand out in your classes, impress potential employers and graduate schools, and even get you into top-ranked colleges or universities. Essays allow teachers to judge what kind of critical thinker you are as well as how well you understand the subject matter. They also give them insight into how well prepared you are for their coursework; this can make or break your chances at getting good grades or even completing the class at all (especially if an assignment is late). The most important thing about writing an essay is making sure that whatever point(s) or argument(s) you’re trying to make come across loud and clear: put them right up front so there’s no doubt about what they are! This also makes it easier on anyone else who has to read through everything after class has ended; they’ll know just where each idea begins and ends so they can follow along more easily while reading through their own copy later down the road when everything needs reviewing again before being handed back over with feedback written on top of each page (or sometimes inserted within them instead).


Try to close your essay with a thought-provoking statement that will touch the reader. End with a question, or with an interesting twist on the subject you are teaching them in class.


エッセイの書き方: エッセイの書き方に関するヒントとコツ
