IGCSE 試験に合格するための 5 つの勉強のヒント

IGCSE 試験に合格するための 5 つの勉強のヒント


IGCSE Exams are coming and if you are a student who is preparing for them, then you must have many questions about how to get the best results. You might be wondering what kind of preparation will help you ace your exams so I am going to share some tips that can help you achieve this goal.

Study the past papers.

  • Studying the past papers is a great way to prepare for your exams.
  • You can find past papers online, so it’s easy to get hold of them. It’s also worth asking at your school if they have any copies they can lend you or photocopy for you, as this will mean that you don’t have to make an extra trip just before the exam!
  • It is recommended that students read through all of the questions before attempting them so that they know what to expect when sitting down for their own tests.


The old saying “practice makes perfect” is especially true in the case of preparing for your IGCSE exams. Practicing with past papers and mock tests will help you become more familiar with the format of each exam, so that when it comes time to sit down and take one, it’ll be like second nature. Practice tests also offer a good way to gauge how well prepared you are–if they’re too easy or too difficult for you then there’s something wrong! This means that if there are any areas where you need more practice (e.g., fractions), then try doing extra work on those topics until they become easier for you as well as other topics related to them (like ratios).

Read, listen and watch videos.

Reading, listening and watching videos are all great ways to prepare for your exams.
  • Read your textbook and notes carefully as this will help you understand the concepts better. You should also read past papers so that you can get an idea of what types of questions appear in them, which will help when revising for your exams.
  • Listen to podcasts about important topics in history or geography so that you can improve on these areas too!
  • Watch videos about different parts of history or geography (e.g., World War II) on YouTube; this will help expand your knowledge base further than just reading alone would allow while also giving context regarding why certain events occurred during a certain time period/era

Save time and practice in the right way.

You should aim to save time and practice in the right way. This means not wasting time on things that are not important, but using it wisely. You also need to practice in the right way so that you can learn as much as possible from your mistakes and improve at a fast rate. If you’re studying for an IGCSE exam, it’s important to remember not to try doing everything at once! You should break down each subject into smaller chunks so they’re easier for your brain to digest and memorise – this will help prevent information overload when it comes time for exams. Finally (and perhaps most importantly), don’t procrastinate – if there’s something specific which needs doing then get on with it straightaway rather than leaving it until later when life gets busy again!

Focus on your weak areas.

  • Focus on your weak areas.
  • Find out what your weaknesses are and set a target to improve them before the exams.
  • Ask your teacher for help, or get a tutor if you can afford one.
  • Ask a friend or family member who has done well in their IGCSEs to give you some extra practice questions that cover the topics that are giving you trouble.

Keep these tips in mind to get ready for your IGCSE exams

  • Keep these tips in mind to get ready for your IGCSE exams:
  • Study the past papers. The best way to prepare for an exam is by studying past papers and getting used to what types of questions will be asked. This will help you understand what content is covered in each section, so that when it comes time for your actual exams, there won’t be any surprises (or disappointments).
  • Practice makes perfect! It’s important that when you’re doing practice tests or revision sessions with friends or family members who are taking their own IGCSEs at another school, make sure everyone does their own thing so no one gets confused about what they need help with or where they should focus their efforts next time around..


In conclusion, we hope that these five tips will help you to get ready for your IGCSE試験. Remember that the most important thing is to take your time and practice in the right way. You can also use them as a guide when studying for any other exam! Also checkout our free resources for IGCSE exam!


IGCSE 試験に合格するための 5 つの勉強のヒント
