自分の人生がコントロール不能になったと感じたことがある人は、あなただけではありません。私たちの多くは整理整頓に苦労しており、軌道に戻るのは不可能に思えるかもしれません。幸いなことに、家庭や職場で整理整頓をするために実行できる手順があります。ここでは、私が長年かけて学んだ、軌道に戻るのに役立つ 11 のことを紹介します。
Decluttering is the first step to a more organized life. It’s time to get rid of stuff you don’t need, don’t use and don’t like. You can also declutter things that do not make you happy and do not make you feel good about yourself.
You should start with clothing like old clothes, out of style clothes, or dirty clothes that are past their prime as well as any items in your closet/dresser/under-the-bed storage boxes that don’t serve any purpose for your life or wardrobe anymore.
This is one of the most important steps to getting organized. You need to stick to a schedule, but there are some things that you need to keep in mind when implementing this step.
First, it’s important for you to be consistent with your schedule. You can’t just decide that today’s the day that you’re going start getting organized if you were doing nothing yesterday or last month because chances are, your home is still going to look like complete chaos. Also, don’t get too rigid with your schedule because it might not work out for everyone. For example, someone who works from home may find it helpful to do their cleaning all at once during their lunch break instead of trying to fit in all those little tasks throughout the day when they’re busy working on other projects or writing blog posts (like me!). Finally another tip would be making sure that whatever system works best for keeping track of things like paying bills etc., just stick with it! Don’t try switching between different apps because they won’t sync up properly which leads us right into our next point:
The first step to becoming organized is to get rid of all the stuff you don’t need.
If you have items that have been sitting around unused for a while, donate them. If they’re still in good condition but you never use them, donate them. Don’t let clutter build up because it’s too much work to get rid of things—if an item has been around longer than a year and hasn’t been used during that time period, consider donating it so someone else can put it to good use!
If you are holding onto something just because the thought of throwing it away makes you feel guilty or scared, ask yourself if this is really something worth keeping or not (and then do what feels right). For example: I kept my old college textbooks even though I had already graduated from college ten years ago because I thought maybe someday I might go back and want those books again…but then when I finally got around to selling them on eBay (years later), guess what happened? They didn’t sell at all! It turns out nobody wanted my old textbooks from 15 years ago–and once again proving my point about getting rid of excess items when necessary 🙂
When you’re putting away things you want to keep, make sure that you have a specific place for each item. You should use baskets, bins and drawers if possible. You can also use hooks or hangers in your closet or on the walls of any room where space is limited. If all else fails, try using a shelf or drawer unit instead of keeping everything scattered around the house in stacks on tables and counters.
You could even take it one step further by organizing each category within these areas by type (e.g., books), size (e.g., small toys) or color (e.g., white socks).
Once you’ve decided to get organized, the next step is to create a list of your belongings.
The best way to do this is by creating a spreadsheet that includes two columns: what you own and what you don’t own. If this seems like too much work for you, then simply follow the “less is more” advice and only write down what’s important—for example, if there are only three items on your shopping list at any given time, then only include those three things in your inventory (and don’t forget about seasonal changes).
- バックパックは、食料品店に行く、用事を済ませるといった短い旅行に最適です。目的地でハイヒール以外の靴で歩き回ることが許されるなら、長い旅行にも使えます。
- トートバッグはたくさんの荷物を収納でき、片方の肩または両方の肩から掛けられるので、両手を自由にしたまま中のアイテムを簡単に取り出すことができます。これは、たくさんの荷物を持ち歩く必要があるが、あまり時間がないとき(友人宅を訪問するときなど)に最適です。
- 最後に、片方の肩または両方の肩に掛けやすいように、ストラップが長いクロスボディバッグの使用を検討してください。さまざまなスタイルとサイズがあるので、ニーズと好みの両方に合ったものが必ず見つかります。
- まずは自分の身の回りから始めて、そこから外側に向かって作業を進めてください。
- 一度にすべてを実行しようとしないでください。準備ができていない場合は、一度に多くの変更に圧倒されるよりも、小さなステップから始めて、後でステップを追加していく方がよいでしょう。
Doing too much can be as bad as doing nothing at all. Even if you’re not feeling overwhelmed by the task of getting organized, it’s important to take breaks from time to time. You might feel a little guilty about taking time away from organizing, but giving yourself a break will only make it easier and more enjoyable in the long run.
If you find that your motivation is waning after two or three hours, ask yourself if taking a break would help get things back on track. If so, go ahead and take one! A short breather will give you renewed energy when you return to your organizing efforts later on—and who knows? Maybe some fresh air and sunshine will spark some creative ideas for how best to tackle what needs doing next.