Perfect your writing with the help of an expert, including proofreading, citations, plagiarism checks here at TigerCampus HK.

Guru dan tutor kami lulus dari universitas ternama

TigerCampus HK provides assistance and guidance with your university dissertations and theses through our qualified tutors from various top schools in Hong Kong and around the world. Our tutors are from faculties in Maths, Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics, Linguistics, and more. With their expertise and experience in the field, you’ll be able to answer the hardest questions faced during your writing process. Check out how you can receive the help that you want below.
Kriteria Penulisan
- Kosakata dan terminologi – Pastikan makalah Anda ditulis secara konsisten dengan kata kunci dan frasa yang serupa.
- Kelancaran berbahasa – Membantu dalam penggunaan bahasa secara efektif untuk menghubungkan ide dan data Anda secara lebih akurat.
- Struktur dan organisasi – Jika diperlukan, perbaiki organisasi umum paragraf dan bagian.
- Gaya penulisan – Meningkatkan penggunaan bahasa, nada, dan variasi kalimat Anda
- Tata bahasa dan logika – Mematuhi etika umum dan aturan tata bahasa
- Ejaan dan tanda baca – Pastikan ejaan dan tanda baca yang tepat untuk menyampaikan maksud Anda.
- Pemformatan dan kutipan – Memastikan tesis Anda mematuhi APA, Chicago Manual of Style, atau panduan gaya lain yang disyaratkan.
Cara kerjanya
Send us your paper
You can send us your paper, essay, thesis, or other writing assignments via Whatsapp, SMS texting, or email, and we’ll do our best to set you up with an experienced tutor that can help. Feel free to mention any additional information or requirements, and we'll do our utmost to accommodate you.
Get a recommended tutor
After we get your documents, we will match you with a tutor who specializes in your field. We'll send you the tutor's profile so you can see if you think they might be suitable. If you are not satisfied with the tutor for whatever reason, you can request a different one. When you find a tutor you like, we'll work to find a time that works for both you and the tutor.
Start tutoring
If you like the tutor’s profile, you can begin tutoring right away. You can set your lesson schedule as you see fit. Our tutor will provide you with personalized lessons and will assist you in completing any course that you are struggling with. You are also allowed to swap between tutors and subjects as needed.
Our tutors are all researchers and engineers working in top companies and colleges throughout the world. By continuing your tutoring, you can form a long-term connection with them, ask for career advice, and continue on your path towards future success.
Kami telah membantu mahasiswa dari universitas di seluruh dunia
Hong Kong
- Politeknik Hong Kong
- Chinese University Hong Kong
- Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Hong Kong
- University of Hong Kong
- City University Hong Kong
- Dan lagi
- National University of Singapore
- King College London
- Universitas Tokyo
- Universitas Amsterdam
- Brown University
- Universitas Monash
- Dan lagi
Mata pelajaran lain yang bisa kami bantu
Kami memiliki tutor dari semua disiplin ilmu, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada di bawah ini.
Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan tambahan dengan mata pelajaran lain, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami dan kami akan melihat bagaimana kami dapat membantu.
Perlu info lebih lanjut?
Mari kita bicara.
Tinggalkan nomor telepon Anda, dan kami akan menghubungi Anda kembali untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.