Unleash your literary prowess through personalized AP English tuition and exam preparation at TigerCampus.

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Tentang AP Bahasa Inggris
The goals of AP English courses are multifaceted and aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of literary and rhetorical principles, critical thinking skills, and the ability to engage with complex texts. Here are the primary goals:
Analisis mendalam: Foster a deep and critical analysis of literary works, including novels, poetry, drama, and non-fiction texts.
Berpikir kritis: Develop critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze, interpret, and evaluate literary and rhetorical elements within texts.
Komunikasi yang efektif: Enhance students’ ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively, both in writing and through oral communication.
Research and Inquiry: Promote research skills, enabling students to conduct independent research and inquiry into literary topics.
Understanding Rhetoric: Explore the art of persuasion through rhetorical analysis, allowing students to understand how authors use language to influence their audience.
Literary Appreciation: Encourage an appreciation for literature’s cultural and historical significance, as well as its impact on society.
Kesiapan Ujian: Prepare students for the AP English exams, which assess their ability to analyze texts and write effectively. High scores on these exams can earn students college credit.
Preparation for College: Equip students with the skills necessary for success in college-level English courses and beyond.
These goals collectively aim to develop well-rounded, analytical, and expressive individuals who can engage critically with literature and effectively communicate their ideas.
Are you striving for excellence in AP English? Your journey commences right here. Our dedicated AP English tutoring program provides a personalized one-on-one learning journey. Collaborate closely with your private tutor to excel in essential language and literature skills. Enjoy the advantage of tailored progress assessments through practice exams.
What makes us unique? Unlike conventional group classes, our program flexibly adjusts to your pace and requirements. Bid farewell to redundant review of familiar concepts. Embrace a path of constant improvement with the ideal balance of challenge and support.
Enroll with us today and set forth on your journey toward achieving excellence in AP English.
TigerCampus Hong Kong provides AP English Tuition for multiple levels:
AP English Language and Composition: This course delves into the exploration of rhetoric, persuasive writing, and the critical analysis of non-fiction texts. It places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and argumentation. Students enrolled in this course frequently engage in the examination of essays, speeches, articles, and various forms of non-fiction literature.
AP English Literature and Composition: This course revolves around the study of literature, encompassing novels, poetry, drama, and short stories. Its primary focus lies in the analysis of literary works, interpretation, and the comprehension of literary devices and themes.
Kedua kursus ini dianggap lanjutan dan setara dengan studi tingkat perguruan tinggi, namun keduanya memiliki fokus konten yang berbeda. Siswa memiliki pilihan untuk mendaftar di salah satu atau kedua program studi, tergantung pada minat pribadi dan tujuan akademik mereka.
Apa yang Anda akan belajar
- Tried-and-tested techniques for achieving success in AP English exams.
- A comprehensive grasp of the content covered in AP English exams, whether it's in language and composition or literature and composition.
- Valuable insights into the question formats found in different sections of the AP English exams.
- AP courses are typically designed for high school students, so students should be at the high school level or equivalent.
- A strong foundation in language arts and literary analysis is highly recommended.
- Previous coursework in English and literature, including exposure to diverse literary genres, can be advantageous in preparing for the course.
Syllabus Topics
AP Bahasa dan Komposisi Bahasa Inggris
- Analisis Retoris
- argumentasi
- Sintesa
- Pemahaman membaca
- Kemampuan menulis
Sastra dan Komposisi Bahasa Inggris AP
- Analisis Sastra
- Perangkat Sastra
- Tema Sastra
- Tutup Bacaan
- Penulisan Esai
Cara kerjanya
Minta tutor
Beri tahu kami tujuan dan rentang usia Anda. Kami akan memikirkan rencana untuk membantu Anda sampai di sana.
Cocokkan dengan tutor
Kami akan merekomendasikan Anda seorang tutor berdasarkan kebutuhan dan tujuan Anda, atau Anda dapat meminta tutor tertentu.
Mulai uji coba gratis
Nikmati pelajaran uji coba gratis dengan tutor baru Anda dan lihat apakah gaya belajar Anda cocok.
Keep it up!
Jika semuanya berjalan lancar, daftarlah untuk melanjutkan! Anda dapat memilih kecepatan pelajaran
Perlu info lebih lanjut?
Mari kita bicara.
Tinggalkan nomor telepon Anda, dan kami akan menghubungi Anda kembali untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.