Pelajaran Sains Tingkat A

Discover your A-Level Science potential through tailored tuition and exam readiness at TigerCampus.

Pelajaran Sains

Guru dan tutor kami lulus dari universitas ternama


Kurikulum yang disesuaikan

Pilih satu atau lebih mata pelajaran, dan kami akan menemukan tutor yang dapat memastikan Anda siap.


Ambillah pelajaran hanya ketika Anda membutuhkannya—sesedikit atau sebanyak yang diperlukan sampai Anda merasa percaya diri.

Pelajaran privat

Tidak perlu mengakomodasi siswa lain. Pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kecepatan dan tingkat kesulitan Anda sehingga Anda selalu berkembang.

About A-Level Science

The objectives of A-Level science courses are diverse, aiming to equip students with a comprehensive grasp of scientific principles, honing critical thinking abilities, and enabling practical application in varied contexts. These primary goals include:

  1. Pemahaman Mendalam: Cultivating a profound comprehension of the chosen scientific discipline, whether it’s biology, chemistry, physics, or another specialized area.

  2. Berpikir kritis: Nurturing critical thinking skills to encourage students to scrutinize, assess, and question scientific concepts, theories, and evidence rigorously.

  3. Penyelesaian masalah: Equipping students with problem-solving capabilities to tackle intricate scientific challenges and effectively apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

  4. Experimental Skills: Developing practical and hands-on expertise, encompassing laboratory techniques, data analysis, and the ability to conduct scientific investigations efficiently.

  5. Kejelasan Konseptual: Ensuring students attain a clear and comprehensive grasp of fundamental scientific concepts, theories, and principles specific to their chosen field of study.

  6. Penyelidikan Ilmiah: Fostering curiosity and the aptitude to formulate research inquiries and hypotheses for systematic scientific exploration.

  7. Kemampuan berkomunikasi: Enhancing students’ proficiency in conveying scientific ideas effectively, both in written and oral forms.

  8. Belajar Mandiri: Encouraging independent learning, research, and effective study practices, preparing students for further education and careers in science-related domains.

  9. Kesiapan Ujian: Adequately preparing students for A-Level science examinations, frequently employed for university admissions and offering the potential for advanced placement or credit in higher education courses.

  10. Jalur Karir: Establishing a robust foundation for pursuing advanced education and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.


Are you prepared to embark on an exciting scientific journey? Our A-Level science tuition serves as your portal to mastering captivating fields like biology, chemistry, physics, and beyond. Our seasoned tutors are here to support you every step of the way, whether you’re enthusiastic about unraveling life’s mysteries, delving into the elements, or comprehending the universe’s fundamental forces.

Through our personalized approach, we tailor your learning journey to align with your unique pace and preferences. Our comprehensive curriculum ensures you not only grasp intricate scientific concepts but also excel in your examinations. Our exceptional team of tutors, boasting years of experience and a deep passion for teaching, is devoted to empowering your scientific expedition.

Our commitment revolves around nurturing the next generation of scientists, and our track record underscores our excellence in science education. Join us today, and together, we’ll embark on a journey of scientific discovery. Your future in the world of science commences right here with us!

Sains A-Level mencakup berbagai kursus:

  • Biologi Tingkat A: This program delves into the world of living organisms, covering cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and human biology.

  • Kimia Tingkat A: Explore the realm of chemistry with a focus on atomic structure, chemical bonding, organic chemistry, and chemical reactions.

  • Fisika Tingkat A: Physics A-Level encompasses mechanics, electricity, waves, particle physics, and astrophysics.

  • Ilmu Lingkungan Tingkat A: This course investigates environmental concerns, ecosystems, sustainability, and the impact of human activities on our surroundings.

  • Geologi Tingkat A: Geology A-Level delves into Earth’s composition, studying its structure, rocks, minerals, and geological processes.

  • Psikologi Tingkat A: While not strictly a natural science, A-Level Psychology delves into the realms of human behavior and mental processes.

  • Sains Terapan A-Level: This program combines elements from biology, chemistry, and physics, taking a practical and vocational approach.

Apa yang Anda akan belajar


Topik Silabus

Biologi Tingkat A
  • Molekul biologis
  • Sel
  • Organisme melakukan pertukaran zat dengan lingkungannya
  • Informasi genetik, variasi, dan hubungan antar organisme
  • Transfer energi di dalam dan antar organisme
  • Organisme merespons perubahan dalam lingkungan internal dan eksternalnya
  • Genetika, populasi, evolusi, dan ekosistem
  • Kontrol ekspresi gen
Kimia Tingkat A
  • Kimia fisik
  • Kimia anorganik
  • Kimia organik
Fisika Tingkat A
  • Pengukuran dan kesalahannya
  • Partikel dan radiasi
  • Ombak
  • Mekanik dan material
  • Listrik
  • Mekanika lebih lanjut dan fisika termal
  • Bidang dan konsekuensinya
  • Fisika nuklir
Sains Terapan A-Level
  • Teknik dan prosedur laboratorium
  • Prinsip dan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan
  • Sains di dunia modern
  • Keterampilan eksperimental dan investigasi
Ilmu Lingkungan Tingkat A
  • Ekosistem dan bioma
  • Sumber daya energi dan transfer energi
  • Populasi manusia, daya dukung, dan penggunaan sumber daya
  • Polusi dan pengelolaan polutan
  • Sejarah dan proses geologi bumi
  • Perubahan iklim dan pemanasan global
  • Konservasi dan keanekaragaman hayati
Geologi Tingkat A
  • Bahan, struktur, dan proses bumi
  • Prinsip dan proses geologi
  • Bahaya geologi
  • Sejarah Bumi
  • Geologi dan lingkungan manusia
Psikologi Tingkat A
  • Metode penelitian
  • Pendekatan dalam psikologi
  • Biopsikologi
  • Psikopatologi
  • Memori
  • Pengaruh sosial
  • Bahasa, pemikiran, dan komunikasi
  • Otak dan perilaku
  • Isu dan perdebatan dalam psikologi

Cara kerjanya


Minta tutor

Beri tahu kami tujuan dan rentang usia Anda. Kami akan memikirkan rencana untuk membantu Anda sampai di sana.


Cocokkan dengan tutor

Kami akan merekomendasikan Anda seorang tutor berdasarkan kebutuhan dan tujuan Anda, atau Anda dapat meminta tutor tertentu.


Mulai uji coba gratis

Nikmati pelajaran uji coba gratis dengan tutor baru Anda dan lihat apakah gaya belajar Anda cocok.


Keep it up!

Jika semuanya berjalan lancar, daftarlah untuk melanjutkan! Anda dapat memilih kecepatan pelajaran

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Mari kita bicara.

Tinggalkan nomor telepon Anda, dan kami akan menghubungi Anda kembali untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.