Design and build professional-level games with Unity, unlocking the world of game development.

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Kurikulum Pengkodean yang Dipersonalisasi
Pilih bahasa pemrograman atau mata pelajaran yang menarik minat Anda, dan kami akan menghubungkan Anda dengan tutor ahli untuk penguasaan yang dipersonalisasi.

Pelajaran Coding yang Dapat Disesuaikan
Jadwalkan pelajaran pada waktu yang tepat, baik untuk pandangan sekilas atau penyelidikan menyeluruh; Anda memegang kendali petualangan belajar Anda.

Instruksi Pribadi Satu-satu
Jalur pendidikan Anda disesuaikan dengan kecepatan dan tantangan yang Anda pilih, menjamin pertumbuhan yang stabil tanpa gangguan dari gangguan atau tuntutan yang bersaing.
Tentang C#
C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language that combines the best elements of C and Java, offering a robust and versatile programming environment. It is highly favored in various domains including game development—thanks to its partnership with Unity, one of the most popular game engines in the world. In fact, Unity’s robustness coupled with the versatility of C# has made this combination a staple in both indie and large-scale game development.
With Unity, C# allows for a highly customizable development process. It provides built-in support for 2D and 3D graphics, physics, and real-time gameplay, creating an environment where developers can bring their visions to life with fewer limitations. Whether you’re working on mobile games, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), or console blockbusters, C# and Unity together offer an ecosystem that is both powerful and relatively easy to grasp for newcomers. This has led to its wide adoption in educational settings, game jams, and professional studios alike.
With its strong type checking, automatic memory management, and rich Standard Library, C# makes it easier for developers to focus on solving complex problems without getting bogged down in the nuances of memory and CPU optimization. Moreover, C# features a variety of libraries and frameworks that simplify tasks like data access, web service implementation, and UI development. Its compatibility with Microsoft’s .NET framework further makes it a powerhouse for developing Windows desktop applications. On the web development front, C# serves as the backbone for ASP.NET, Microsoft’s framework for building dynamic web pages, applications, and services.
Due to its wide range of applications, learning C# opens doors to various career paths. Whether you’re interested in game development, enterprise software, or mobile apps, mastering C# can be a significant step forward in your journey as a software developer.
Extend your creative boundaries in this immersive Unity course.
Go beyond just learning C# scripting; explore how to leverage Unity’s
robust suite of tools to create visually stunning and mechanically
complex games. This course empowers students to grasp the fundamentals
of game physics, object interactions, and artificial intelligence. It
also delves into the techniques of optimizing game performance and
exporting projects for multiple platforms.
Apa yang Anda akan belajar
- Gain proficiency in C# programming for interactive game experiences
- Learn basic syntax and code structuring for optimal reuse
- Foster design and coding skills to transform game ideas into reality
- Usia 9 – 19 tahun
- Pemula lengkap dalam pemrograman
- “Gamer” dan “Peretas”
- Berorientasi analitis dan desain
FAQ Siswa Tentang Pengembangan Game dengan Unity
Unity is a cross-platform game engine that allows developers to create interactive experiences, including 2D and 3D games, AR/VR applications, and simulations. It’s popular for its user-friendly interface, extensive asset store, and the ability to export to multiple platforms with minimal code changes.
Absolutely, Unity is not just for 3D games; it has a dedicated 2D engine that works independently of the 3D engine. You can create complex 2D games with physics, animations, and more.
Prefabs are reusable game objects that you can create, configure, and store in Unity for future use. They are essential for maintaining consistency and reducing repetitive tasks.
The Unity Asset Store is a marketplace where developers can buy or sell game assets, tools, and services. It’s a valuable resource for accelerating development and enhancing your projects with pre-made assets.
Unity uses a Component-Based Architecture, where game objects are created and manipulated using various components like scripts, renderers, and physics components. This allows for a modular approach to game development.
Unity offers several tools to optimize game performance, such as the Profiler to identify bottlenecks, Occlusion Culling to render only visible elements, and LOD (Level Of Detail) to simplify distant objects.
Unity has built-in tools that make it simpler to develop games for multiple platforms. With its ‘Build Settings’ feature, developers can easily switch the target platform and perform specific optimizations. This is particularly beneficial for those looking to publish their games on various platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, and gaming consoles. Unity reduces the complexities that come with multi-platform development, offering a single environment where all the elements of a game can be controlled and adjusted according to the needs of each platform.
Cara kerjanya
Minta tutor
Beri tahu kami tujuan dan rentang usia Anda. Kami akan memikirkan rencana untuk membantu Anda sampai di sana.
Cocokkan dengan tutor
Kami akan merekomendasikan Anda seorang tutor berdasarkan kebutuhan dan tujuan Anda, atau Anda dapat meminta tutor tertentu.
Mulai uji coba gratis
Nikmati pelajaran uji coba gratis dengan tutor baru Anda dan lihat apakah gaya belajar Anda cocok.
Keep it up!
Jika semuanya berjalan lancar, daftarlah untuk melanjutkan! Anda dapat memilih kecepatan pelajaran
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