Matrícula de Química AP

Unlock your AP Chemistry potential with TigerCampus’ personalized tuition and exam preparation. Get ready to excel in your chemistry journey.

matrícula de química

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Acerca de la química AP

The objective of AP Chemistry courses is multifaceted, aiming to equip high school students with a profound grasp of foundational chemical principles. These courses encompass vital goals:

  1. Entendimiento comprensivo: Instilling a deep comprehension of fundamental chemical principles, enabling students to tackle complex chemical problems effectively.

  2. Pensamiento crítico: Cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills within the realm of chemistry, encouraging students to analyze and synthesize information for real-world chemical challenges.

  3. Experiencia de laboratorio: Offering hands-on laboratory opportunities to reinforce theoretical knowledge, fostering practical skills in scientific experimentation.

  4. Preparación a nivel universitario: Preparing students for collegiate chemistry courses and STEM fields by covering topics commonly encountered in introductory college-level chemistry.

  5. Preparación para el examen: Ensuring thorough preparation for the AP Chemistry exam, offering the potential for college credit and advanced placement, facilitating access to advanced coursework.

  6. Aplicaciones del mundo real: Demonstrating practical applications of chemistry concepts in various scientific and everyday contexts, emphasizing the relevance of chemistry in students’ lives.

  7. Habilidades cuantitativas: Developing strong quantitative and mathematical abilities for chemistry-related calculations, crucial for precise analysis and problem-solving in the field.

  8. Comunicación Científica: Enhancing students’ capacity to effectively communicate scientific ideas and findings, promoting clear and concise scientific communication skills essential in scientific research and academia.


Looking to excel in AP Chemistry? Your path begins with us. Join our tailored AP Chemistry tuition program for a personalized one-on-one learning journey. Work closely with your private tutor to master essential chemistry principles and problem-solving skills. Enjoy personalized progress assessments through practice exams.

What makes us unique? Unlike standard group classes, our program adjusts to your pace and requirements. Say farewell to revisiting familiar topics and embrace continuous improvement with the right balance of challenge and guidance.

Enroll today to kickstart your journey toward AP Chemistry excellence.

TigerCampus Hong Kong explains the AP Chemistry exam format:

The AP Chemistry exam comprises two main sections: the multiple-choice section and the free-response section, each assessing distinct aspects of a student’s chemistry knowledge and skills.

Sección de opción múltiple:

  • Duración: 1 hora y 30 minutos
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 60
  • Weight: 50% of the total exam score

In this section, students encounter a range of questions covering diverse chemistry topics. It evaluates their grasp of chemistry concepts, including theoretical understanding and factual knowledge. Some questions may involve data analysis, graph interpretation, and chemical equations.

Sección de Respuesta Libre:

  • Duración: 1 hora y 45 minutos
  • Number of Questions: 7 (3 long free-response and 4 short free-response)
  • Weight: 50% of the total exam score

The free-response section challenges students to apply their chemistry knowledge to specific scenarios and problems. It features a mix of long and short free-response questions. Long questions often demand in-depth responses, including explanations, calculations, and sometimes laboratory work, while short questions are more focused, often involving calculations or brief explanations.

Puntuación: The AP Chemistry exam is scored on a 1 to 5 scale, with 5 being the highest score. Typically, a score of 3 or higher is considered passing and can earn students college credit and advanced placement in relevant college courses. Specific credit and placement requirements may vary by college or university.

Students are advised to consult the official College Board website for the most current information regarding the AP Chemistry exam, including any potential changes or updates to its format or content.

Qué aprenderás...


Syllabus Topics

Química AP
  1. Fundaciones químicas
  2. Estructura atomica
  3. Enlace químico y estructura molecular.
  4. Reacciones químicas y estequiometría
  5. Leyes de gas
  6. Termoquímica
  7. Estructura electrónica de los átomos.
  8. Tendencias periódicas
  9. Cinética química
  10. Equilibrio químico
  11. Química ácido-base
  12. Solubilidad y equilibrios de iones complejos
  13. Termodinámica química
  14. Electroquímica
  15. Quimica nuclear
  16. Propiedades químicas y físicas de las sustancias.
  17. Fuerzas intermoleculares y propiedades de líquidos y sólidos.
  18. Análisis e instrumentación química
  19. Química Orgánica

¿Cómo funciona?


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