Effective Study Techniques for Improving Concentration



Concentration is a skill we all use every day. Although it may seem like a simple concept, concentration is actually quite complex. This article will explore the different components of concentration and discuss how you can improve your own concentration skills.

Get a good night’s sleep

If you’re having trouble concentrating, getting a good night’s sleep might be the answer. Sleep helps your brain process what you’ve learned and form memories, which can help improve concentration. It also gives your body time to rest and recover from the day’s activities so that it can function at its best when it’s time for school or work again in the morning. In addition to helping with concentration levels in general, getting enough sleep has been shown to have other positive effects on mental health: research has found that people who get enough rest are less likely than those who don’t get enough rest (or those who simply get too much) to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders.[1]

Eat a healthy breakfast

The first step to improving concentration is eating a healthy breakfast. This will provide you with the energy needed for a long day of studying, and it will also keep your mind sharp throughout the morning.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, oats or brown rice at breakfast time. These foods are high in fiber and help keep your blood sugar levels steady so that they don’t dip too low later in the day (which can result in feeling tired).
  • Eat protein-rich foods like eggs or Greek yogurt for breakfast–they’ll keep you full longer than other types of food do!
  • Drink plenty of water before starting your day; this helps prevent dehydration while giving you more energy throughout your studies

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly. Exercise improves blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which improves brain function. It also increases your energy level so that you can stay focused on studying for longer periods of time. In addition, exercise helps you sleep better, feel better about yourself and reduce stress – all things that will help with concentration when studying!

Set realistic goals

When you set a goal, it’s important to keep the following in mind:
  • Set goals that are challenging but not impossible. Goals can only be achieved if they’re achievable and realistic. If your goal is too difficult to reach, or if it will take years for you to achieve it (and this is not something that will happen overnight), then maybe it’s time for a rethink on how we should go about achieving our dreams.
  • Make sure your goals are measurable so that when you complete them, there won’t be any doubt about whether or not they were successful (or unsuccessful). For example: If one of my goals was “I want my apartment cleaner than ever before,” how would I know if I had accomplished this task? How would anyone else know either? The answer is simple: By measuring every inch of their home with tape measures until everything looks spotless! But seriously though…this should help get rid of any doubts about whether or not something has been achieved successfully; otherwise what good does having reached a certain point mean anyway?

Organize your space and materials

Organize your space and materials:
  • Clear away any clutter from your desk. You don’t want to be distracted by the mess of papers and books, so keep it clean!
  • Use a checklist to stay on track. If you have multiple tasks to accomplish, it’s easy to get off-track if you aren’t careful. A checklist can help keep you focused by providing an overview of all the things that need to be done in order of importance or priority. This will help ensure that none are forgotten or overlooked during this process.
  • Use different colored pens/pencils/highlighters when outlining different aspects of a project (e.g., key terms) so they’re easier to distinguish later when reviewing notes or papers written earlier during revision stages after completing research projects such as term papers where there may not enough time left over after finishing all required readings before submitting them back at school!

Take breaks when needed

Taking breaks is a good way to stay focused and improve your concentration. Breaks give you time away from the work, which can help clear your mind and make it easier for you to concentrate when you return. However, there are some guidelines for taking breaks:
  • Don’t take too many breaks – You don’t want to be constantly switching between tasks because this will make it harder for your brain to focus when given new tasks or information. It’s better to take one longer break than several short ones throughout the day/study session.
  • Don’t take too long of a break – If possible, try not taking any more than 15 minutes away from what you’re doing at any given time; otherwise, when it comes time for another task (or even just returning back into an already existing one) there may be some confusion as far as where exactly things left off last time around–and this could lead into another problem area called “rabbit holes” which we’ll talk about soon!
  • Don’t take breaks close together – Again with making sure everything stays fresh in our minds while studying goes hand-in-hand with keeping track of how much time has passed since last doing something important so don’t forget those two things!

Avoid distractions while studying (e.g., social media)

  • Turn off notifications.
  • Block distracting sites, such as social media and news sites, from your computer or phone by using a browser extension that blocks them for a specified amount of time (set it to “off” when you’re done studying).
  • Use a timer to limit your time on social media–for example, tell yourself that once the timer goes off, you’ll have 10 minutes left before turning off all electronics and getting back to work!

Poor concentration affects memory and learning. Use these techniques to improve your concentration.

Concentration is a skill that improves with practice, but it can also be affected by many factors. These include sleep, diet, exercise and stress. The first step in improving concentration is understanding the underlying causes of poor concentration. Once you know what’s causing problems with your ability to focus on tasks at hand, you’ll be able to take actionable steps toward improving your overall attention span. Concentration is defined as the ability to focus one’s thoughts on a given thing without being distracted by other things around them (1). This skill becomes especially important when learning new information or committing something new into memory–two essential processes for any student aiming toward academic success!


Good concentration is essential to improving your memory. If you find it hard to concentrate, then try these tips and see if they help. You may also want to consult with a doctor or therapist if your concentration problems are severe enough to interfere with everyday life.


Effective Study Techniques for Improving Concentration

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