TigerCampus offers private online and home tuition for HKDSE Biology.

Our teachers and tutors graduated from top universities


Customized curriculum
Choose one or more subjects, and we'll find a tutor who can make sure you're prepared.

Take lessons only when you need them—as little or as many as necessary until you feel confident.

Private lesson
No need to accommodate other students. Learning is customised your perfect pace and difficulty so you are always improving.
About our HKDSE Biology Tutors
TigerCampus provides one-to-one online & home tuition for students who are preparing for their HKDSE Biology exam. Our experienced tutors will help you understand the concepts, practice exam questions and build your confidence for the exam
TigerCampus offers comprehensive HKDSE Biology tuition for students who wish to excel in their exam. Our experienced tutors provide one-to-one online & home tuition and help you with your revision, practice questions and exam techniques
What you will learn
- Our HKDSE Biology tuition covers all core topics taught in the curriculum, such as Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution.
- Our tutors will also help students gain a better understanding of the exam structure, learn effective exam techniques, and develop problem-solving skills.
- Our HKDSE Biology tuition is suitable for all students who are looking to excel in the subject. We provide a tailored learning plan for each student that is tailored to their individual needs.
Topics in syllabuses
Main Topics
- Molecules of Life
- Cellular Organisation
- Movement of substances across membrane
- Cell Cycle and Division
- Cellular Energetics
- Basic genetics
- Molecular Genetics
- Biodiversity and Evolution
- Life Processes in Plants
- Life Processes in Animals
- Reproduction, Growth, and Development
- Coordination and Response
- Homeostasis
- Ecosystems
- Personal Health
- Diseases
- Body Defence Mechanism
Elective Topics
- Regulation of water content
- Regulation of body temperature
- Regulation of gas content in the blood
- Hormonal control of reproductive cycle
- Human impact on the environment
- Human Responsibilities for the environment
Looking for other HKDSE tuitions?
Other HKDSE Subjects
No hidden fees. Cancel any time.
Get a free trial to find your perfect tutor before you commit.
Online Tutoring
Personalised lesson plans
Paid Zoom account
Lesson reports after every lesson
SMS & email appointment reminders
Dedicated customer support
No monthly commitment
24 hour free cancellation
Or call us at +852 9443 2458
Home Tutoring
Personalised lesson plans
Lesson reports after every lesson
SMS & email appointment reminders
Dedicated customer support
No monthly commitment
24 hour free cancellation
Transportation included
Or call us at +852 9443 2458
How it works
Request a tutor
Let us know your goals and age range. We'll figure out a plan to help get you there.
Match with a tutor
We'll recommend you a tutor based on your needs and goals, or you can request a specific tutor.
Start a free trial
Experience a free trial lesson with your new tutor and see if your learning style matches.
Keep it up!
If everything went well, sign up to keep going! You can choose the pacing of the lessons
Need more info?
Let's talk.
Leave your phone number, and we’ll call you back to discuss how we can help you.